
Jeffrey Stephens Direct Hypnosis Workshop (8 uur)

‘s Werelds meest exclusieve, eenvoudige & krachtige directe Hypnose-Videoworkshop met NL ondertitels, nu als digitale download en nu incl. officieel persoonlijk certificaat!
Leer in slechts 8 1-uur video’s een uniek en zeer krachtig protocol afkomstig van wereld meester hypnotiseur Jeffrey Stephens.
Hierna is het nooit meer nodig om een sessie voor te bereiden, en duurt elke sessie (hypnose zelf) max. ca. 15 minuten, voor welk probleem of issue dan ook.
Incl. diverse extra sessie-voorbeelden en een golf-demo bonus. Engels gesproken. Inclusief een uniek persoonlijk certificaat. Inclusief AI ondertitels in English, Chinees, Frans, Duits, Spaans en Nederlands.
Available Subtitles

Deze gehele workshop is ook LIVE te volgen: https://hypnose.nl/cursussen/jeffrey-stephens/ 

149,95 198,00

De meest efficiënte en directe Hypnose-Videoworkshop in de wereld, alleen op hypnoshop.nl als digitale download en nu met een persoonlijk en uniek certificaat! Leer in slechts 8 uur op video een het unieke en enorm krachtig direct hypnose-protocol afkomstig van wereld meester hypnotiseur Jeffrey Stephens. Incl. vele (extra) sessie-voorbeelden en een Golf-perfectie-demo bonus. Engels gesproken, incl. o.a. Nederlandse ondertitels.

Deze workshop komt nu incl. een (gratis herhaalbaar) online examen welke na succesvolle handmatige beoordeling recht geeft op een persoonlijk (op naam gesteld) certificaat in pdf formaat.

Tired of the hypnosis hype and theory?
Ready to step head and shoulders above the crowd, and claim the title of elite certified master hypnotist?
Prepare to delve into the exciting world of master hypnotist Jeffrey Stephens. The Weekend Hypnosis Workshop won international fame for the hypnosis trainer whose stunningly fast 15 minute therapy sessions and daring street hypnosis exploits started to get him noticed. On this video training program you’ll watch as a master hypnotist with over 40 years of real world experience walks you through absolutely everything you need to do, think, say and understand in order to rapidly and powerfully hypnotize anyone. This is NOT a course full of stuffy theory, rather a rapid, practical drilling on the secrets other so called hypnotists only wish they knew.

We’ve seen this course transform total beginners into fully confident hypnotists within mere hours, and no hypnosis education can ever be called complete without a refreshing dose of no holds barred Jeffrey Stephens style training. From instant hypnosis inductions, pretalks, therapy and suggestion routines, and a tremendous amount more, this course will give you everything you need to not just DO hypnosis, but to BE a master hypnotist.

The system includes Eight Online Video Training Modules and a detailed Hypnosis Manual that gives you all the scripts, bullet-points, certification and techniques you’ll need to use Jeff’s process on your hypnotic subjects. But let me break it down for you and show you exactly what you get with each individual component in the complete outline at the bottom. Click here. First, here is some information to get started with:

What would people say about you, if you were able to
turn a smoker into a non-smoker… in just 17 minutes?

What would they be willing to pay you, if you could get them to change life-long patterns of overeating, in as little as 18 minutes?

How would you feel if you could help those you care about reduce their stress, overcome their phobias, or just be happier…
and what if you could do that for them in 20 minutes or less?


“Now You Can Have Fun, Help Others
and Make Money at the Same Time
as a Powerful Hypnotist…”

“I had never hypnotized anyone before in my life. But roughly an
hour into Jeff’s class, when I said ‘sleep,’ this guy’s body just went limp,
his head fell forward and practically landed in my lap. It was freaky!

Blake Thomas
Wyomissing, PA



It’s FINALLY ready… for years, people have been asking Master Hypnotist Jeffrey Stephens to create a home study course teaching his proven methods for using rapid inductions, and creating lasting, positive change.

And now he’s ready to break his silence
and “spill the beans” to show you how to
quickly and easily master hypnosis
using his proven ten step formula!


I’m going to try something very different here.

Nearly every hypnotist on the web wants to impress you with what great hypnotists they are. But it’s easy for great hypnotists to do their thing, so you don’t really care about that. You want someone who can actually teach you to be a great hypnotist — and that’s what Jeff Stephens does — brilliantly — in this hypnosis workshop.

So instead of creating a lot of hype, I’m just going to tell you what’s in it and allow you to make your own decision.

You see, I figure this letter is among friends. The only people who will have access to this page are people who are already familiar with Jeff’s work, or those referred to Jeff by someone else who is impressed with his work.

So I am going to treat you like a friend here – and that means I am going to leave out all the hype about how you will be able to control people, bend their wills and make them do anything you want. Instead, let’s talk about how you can help yourself and help others by giving people what they want.

There is a lot of information in this letter. That is because I want you to make an informed decision… We are making this offer available for a limited time (more about that later), so I want you to be sure about your decision when you order this course.

With information this powerful, I don’t want to send one to the wrong person. So let’s get started…

From: Blake Thomas
Thursday, 8:38 AM
Wyomissing, PA

OK, in order to treat you like a friend, I’m going to start in a rather unlikely spot… and I am going to be completely blunt:

Why Some People Shouldn’t Buy This Course…

There are definitely some people who should NOT buy this course. No offense, but if any of these describe you, well… you should probably not be on this web page…

Please don’t buy Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop if you don’t intend to do hypnosis.

Jeff starts the workshop with two rules:

1. Never waste a good hypnotic state… ever!

2. If you have no intentions or plans to play with this at all, you have no business being here.

So if you’re the kind of person who wants to learn all the hypnotist’s methods — but never go out and do them, use them, play with them — save your money.

Just 55 Minutes into this Course, You’ll be Ready to Start Hypnotizing People

… and by the end of Module 1, you can actually begin dropping people into hypnosis, deepening the state, putting them through a brief “blitz” (designed to allow them to concentrate better, learn more easily, enjoy the experience) and bring them out of it feeing refreshed, alert and fantastic!

How do I know that? Because I was there when the video was shot. I had never hypnotized anyone before in my life, but roughly an hour into Jeff’s class, when I said ‘sleep,’ this guy’s body just went limp, his head fell forward and practically landed in my lap. It was freaky!

So I now know first-hand that Jeff’s methods work, and they work really fast.

Nowadays to me, hypnosis is a gigantic playground. I had been interested in it for years… In fact, I had spent a bunch of money on a bunch of courses, but I never felt comfortable or confident enough to actually do anything with it. Now, after taking this course, I can actually do hypnosis. I did it myself and so did every other person in the workshop… no exceptions! That’s why I’m so confident that you can too, when you get this course.

Jeff’s workshop is for serious players (or even serious beginners) who really want to have fun doing hypnosis. That’s right, being serious about hypnosis doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with it. In fact, it means just the opposite….

Everything Jeff teaches is about being able to have fun, help people and make money (if you want to) using hypnosis. It’s what he does every day, and it’s what he teaches. In fact, I think that’s a big part of what differentiates him from all the dabblers, sidlers and pseudo-intellectuals out there.

He doesn’t dabble in hypnosis. He does hypnosis. He doesn’t blab for hours about theory, he drops people in seconds, fixes their problems and brings them out. No fuss, no mess.

And if you are willing to follow his system, put it to work for you, and do what he does (and shows you exactly how to do in this powerful training), then I am convinced Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop will allow you to truly learn, practice and master hypnosis.

Jeffrey Stephens is an Incredibly Good Hypnotist, He’s a “Master Hypnotist Extraordinaire…”

“I am particularly excited to introduce you to him… He has developed something which he’s famous for, which is the 15 minute therapy…

You will not regret any moment spent with him..

To play the audio, click the play button (the blue triangle) below:

Igor Ledochowski 
Conversational Hypnosis Expert


Jeff’s Stuff Works “Frighteningly Well…”

“Jeff Stephens is by far one of the best hypnotists I know – and I’ve trained with people from around the globe. He has a talent for making even advanced concepts simple, and straight forward, and will show you how to plough through the blatant B.S sadly so prevalent in most hypnosis approaches.

Jeff’s stuff works quite frighteningly well – he’s hypnotized me in the past, and the results were staggering! My advice to you as a fellow hypnotist is to take Jeff’s training at any cost (and heck, he always undercharges anyway) because you know he only teaches the real, effective hypnosis which actually gets results.

Thank you Jeff, for being such a great teacher and mentor.

Nathan Thomas

The Information is “Pure Gold…”

Hi Jeff, I have your course. I bought it on the launch day . I have to say that your course has given me the pieces of the puzzle that were missing. And now every thing is beginning to fall into place. I am eternally grateful for that. Hopefully if you ever hold a seminar in this part of the world I will try to get there and attend. Because the information you have given me here is pure gold. Many thanks and best wishes for the future.

John G.
Rep Of Ireland

The Course is Great…

Probably the best I have come across in the two years I have been doing hypnosis. Many thanks

Dale Smyth
United Kingdom

If you’re afraid you won’t be able to do it, or that it won’t work for you, consider…

Three Undeniable Truths About
Every Single Hypnotist…

Undeniable Truth #1: Every hypnotist on the planet started out knowing nothing about hypnosis. That’s just a fact. Like nearly every other human skill or behavior, it had to be learned.

Undeniable Truth #2: Every hypnotist on the planet learned it from someone else. Another obvious fact. No one is born with inherent hypnotic knowledge. But naturally, the people from whom you learn it will be a huge contributing factor to your success.

Undeniable Truth #3: You master hypnosis by doing it. Read, watch or listen to others as much as you want. But you can’t master hypnosis until you actually do hypnosis.

This course will get you started…

Whether You’re a Medical Doctor, Interested in
Learning Hypnosis to Provide Non-Pharmaceutical
Pain Relief for Clients, a Clinical Psychologist
Interested in Faster Ways to Help Clients through
Their Most Difficult and Challenging Issues or
Just Someone Who Wants to Do Hypnosis for Fun or
Profit, this Breakthrough, In-Depth Training is for you.

When I arrived at the workshop, I was surprised to discover that there were several doctors in attendance. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have been…

Hypnosis has been used for pain relief for ages. Literally, before pharmaceutical anesthesia, doctors used it to numb patients prior to surgery. Believe it or not, many still do. In fact…

Just Like Gravity, Hypnosis Works
Whether You Believe in it or Not…

It took Jeff Stephens years of refining to be able to squeeze three decades of hypnosis experience into this single, eight-module training course. It has been an exhausting process. Jeff has been living, eating, sleeping and breathing hypnosis for more than thirty years.

And every day of that… and every live training Jeff has conducted over the years has better prepared him to reach this point, where he has crammed his very best tips, tricks and techniques into this single, powerful course.

The bottom line is that Jeff has poured his heart and soul into this course, and he hasn’t left anything out. This is his COMPLETE guide to his entire step-by-step process for creating rapid, positive change using hypnosis.

Until now, Jeff’s methods have been a closely guarded secret, revealed only to those who have invested $1,500 or more to attend one of his multi-day training events. But now, for the first time ever, Master Hypnotist Jeffrey Stephens’ revolutionary system is available to you to learn and profit from, in the privacy of your own home or office for a fraction of the cost.

The Jeff Stephens Advantage

There are lots of people who claim to teach hypnosis these days, but here are a few things that make Jeff Stephens stand out:

1. His system is tested, proven and easy-to-learn. Every one of the students who attended this workshop was hypnotizing people within the first hour — several times with the first few hours. With this training, you can do the same.

2. The system is packed with steps and instructions, not theory and filler. No endless lectures or boring history lessons. Just the actual steps, words and commands that will get the results you want.

3. Learn from a seasoned practitioner, not just a student or teacher. Some teachers have never practiced. Some practitioners can’t teach. Jeff gives you the best of both worlds… he’s a real world practitioner who teaches what he lives. Even educational institutions have brought him in to teach hypnosis to their psychology classes.

4. You’ll believe you can do it. If you’ve ever seen or heard a really smooth-talking, polished hypnotist, you may have said to yourself, “I can never be like that.” When Jeff reveals his methods to you, you’ll say, “Wow, I can do this!”

5. Jeff’s course is less about him and more about you. Many hypnotists feel they have to play to the crowd. They want to impress you with their persona. Jeff doesn’t want to impress you, he wants toempower you. And that’s just what this course will do…

In Jeff Stephens Hypnosis Workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How to have fun, help others and get paid (if you want to) by hypnotizing people.
  • Jeff’s exclusive ten step process for creating rapid, positive change in as little as 20 minutes or less.
  • Two simple questions that quickly establish hypnotic context
  • …and much more





  • Welcome & Overview
  • Two Rules for Hypnosis
  • The Importance of Context and Intent.
  • Two Questions that Set the Context for Hypnosis
  • Why Great Hypnotists Never “Try”
  • An Introduction to Rapid, Simple Deepeners
  • Hypnosis that Sticks: A Demonstration of Hypnotic Phenomena
  • A Demonstration of the Eight Word Induction
  • Using “The Blitz” to Increase Learning, Enjoyment and Retention
  • Exercise 1 : Now it’s Your Turn to Do Hypnosis for the First Time!



  • Techniques Related to the Eight Word Induction
  • Rocking clients to enhance the experience
  • Everything you do is an induction
  • Hypnotizing those who don’t believe in it
  • How to get someone to “want” to do what you tell them to
  • Creating a scenario they can accept and believe
  • Hypnotic instructions should not “wear off”
  • Intent sets the mode for everything you do
  • Avoiding the terms “relax” and “relaxation”
  • The Five Step Exduction
  • How to use “cues” to keep the subconscious following your instructions
  • Conscious vs. Subconscious mind: An Illustration
  • The “Myth” of self-hypnosis
  • Congruency: What you say and how you say it.
  • Who can (and can’t) be hypnotized?
  • What is a somnambulist?
  • A demonstration: Hypnotizing a somnambulist
  • Waking Hypnosis: Anchoring feelings to an object
  • How to give instructions to the subconscious to get the result you want
  • Exercise 2 : Adding the Five Step Exduction to your process



  • The difference between social compliance and hypnosis
  • “The deeper you go, the better you feel…”
  • Using internalized, associated language
  • Fractionation and a preview of complex deepeners
  • The Boilerplate: Taking control of the environment
  • Being in their heads (not yours)
  • Hypnotizing pillows and chairs
  • The “Super Suggestion”
  • Three things you “MUST” give your client
  • Suggestibility tests as inductions
  • Can someone hijack your hypnosis?
  • Using disorientation to enhance the experience
  • Milton Erickson’s greatest contribution to hypnosis
  • Exercise 3 : Building in “The Boilerplate.”



  • Telling them what you’re going to do and how they’re going to respond
  • A disorienting technique for distorting time
  • When does hypnosis really end?
  • How to tell when they’re really deep
  • The Process of Narrowing Focus
  • How to use covert tests in fractionation
  • A few “convincers” that really work
  • Demonstration: A lightening-fast induction with a somnambulist
  • How do you really know if they are “deep enough?”
  • Just how many levels are there?
  • What to do when it doesn’t work
  • Why can’t you hypnotize yourself?
  • Induction demonstrations::
    • Jeff’s “hand-to-face” induction
    • A fast re-induction
    • An eye fixation induction & hand stick
  • How to KNOW when you have real hypnosis



  • The complete, ten step outline of process
  • How the brain works
  • Hallucinations (naturally occurring & created)
  • Ten second memory loss
  • Exercise 4: Any induction
  • Protective Qualities of “the Boilerplate”
  • Exercise 5: A different induction
  • Watch for the sign of intense focus
  • Phenomena as proof
  • Exercise 6: Got phenomena?
  • Demonstration: The arm lock/eye lock induction
  • Demonstration: A straight eye lock induction
  • Troubleshooting: What if the eyes pop open in the middle of your eye-lock induction?
  • Three reasons you won’t get phenomena
  • How to hypnotize those who say you can’t
  • It’s not about depth…
  • Progressive relaxation, trance and the hypnosis point
  • Can you make changes in trance, rather than hypnosis?
  • Stepping inside and getting the job done



  • Three specific complex deepeners
  • A Demonstration of Passing through the Zero
  • The deepening effect of fractionation
  • Demonstration of a Tap Deepener
  • What should I do if someone falls asleep?
  • In Exercise 7, you’ll incorporate complex deepeners into your process
  • Changework: The Golden Box
  • Invoking “trance” to occupy the conscious mind
  • How to speak directly to the subconscious mind:A Three Step Process
  • What to do if the subconscious disagrees with your instruction
  • Two words that reassociate the conscious mind
  • How to deliver The Magic Mirror
  • Getting agreement from the conscious and subconscious
  • Jeff’s system for making people feel good about themselves
  • Trusting the sub-conscious to do its job
  • The best time to set a reinduction trigger



  • Buying into the mindset…
  • Would You Like to Take a Five Minute Vacation?
  • The mindset for a non-smoker
  • Speaking to the subconscious…
  • Using a results-based method
  • Symbology: Waking hypnosis…
  • Demonstration: Using waking hypnosis to create “rock-solid” confidence
  • Adapting the process for yourself
  • Congruity is the key
  • What to say if NOTHING you do seems to be working
  • A vivid example: Creating change with “two futures”
  • Building your hypnosis toolbox
  • Positioning symbology as an “alternative” to hypnosis
  • Start-to-finish Session 1: See every step of Jeff’s Ten Step Process in action in this sesson designed to eliminate nail-biting



  • Can the subconscious really process negatives?
  • How Jeff eliminated a dog phobia in less than two minutes with a negative command to the subconscious 
  • Start-to-finish Session 2: A sesson designed to turn a smoker into a non-smoker
  • Start-to-finish Session 3: A sesson designed to eliminate chronic stomach pain
  • Start-to-finish Session 4: Another sesson designed to turn a smoker into a non-smoker
  • The Wrap-up: Even after it’s over, “it ain’t all over…”


(Engels, incl. keuze uit ondertitels (NL, CN, FR, DE, ES, EN), totale download of streaming ca. 4,3GB, 8 x avi-video, 1 x PDF met uitgewerkte workshop met 1x Bonus: Golf-demo-sessie) 
Na het bekijken van de complete workshop kunt u de link openen naar het online examen.
Na het succesvol afronden van deze examen-vragen sturen wij u een persoonlijk (op naam) gemaakt certificaat voor deze workshop toe in pdf-formaat.
Deze cursus is ook klassikaal LIVE te volgen in een masterclass: 2 onvergetelijke dagen welke je nivo tot een meester-hypnotiseur zullen tillen:
Info & Levering
  • Datum toevoeging: 22-07-2020.
  • Digitale levering, minimimaal 2 jaar te downloaden.
  • De downloadlink(s) bevinden zich in de toegezonden email.
  • De downloadlink(s) bevinden zich tevens in je account.
  • Scripts worden geleverd als PDF.
  • Video's worden geleverd als mp4 of avi.
  • Video's kunnen zowel bekeken als gedownload worden via de aangeleverde link(s).
  • Levering volgens onze algemene voorwaarden.
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